Channel: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)
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Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

Do you have connected gnd AS well? I can make tomorrow a pic of the layout

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

xander Wrote:
> Odd, I need RX and TX to be both connected to get
> serial messages,
> so I see booting but I am unable to interrupt
> u-boot or login from the console.
> minicom settings are 115200 baud 8N1 identical
> behaviour on both PL2303 and
> CH340G, unable to get anything across the line,
> both OSX and linux.
> Any ideas?

When in doubt, use another tool: picocom.

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

must be connection, I'll make a more permanent one and try again
@Carl if you can make a layout thanks, I pretty much guessed RX/TX to be pin 2,3

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

oki, just works now, indeed a connection issue, pins are middle three of con5.
use with Zterm and pl2303 driver

@bodhi; also used a trial of serial for macosx (https://www.decisivetactics.com/products/serial/),
this app does not require (signed) kext's but bundles drivers in the app, works nicely, costs $$

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

Hi there,

Was there, by chance, any progress on this? I would LOVE to abandon the builtin O/S for Debian :) Did somebody got the LEDs, USB 3.0 and card reader already working?

Hope to hear from someone :)


Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

Hey MacFaulty,
I more or less quit to work on the KD20, as the performace is not as good as expectet.

LED's are working, and controlable, but someone has to write a script or so for it.

USB 3.0 , and Cardreader are not working so far as I know: USB device's are showing up, but you can not read them.

So, if you can work without usb3.0, cardreader and filetransfers max ~30 mb/s.

Go ahead.

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

Hi Peacemaker,

Thank you for your response, really appreciated!

Well, the main reason is that in Windows, samba works perfectly. In Linux (Kubuntu 16.04, stock install) I can browse the shares, create files and directories, but not read them (long story short, I want to ditch Windows). However, when I check permissions, they are all 777. Really weird. The config of Samba also doesn't get saved if you alter it and I can't seem to find where it is located. In the /system (on F/W 2.38) mount I only seem to be able to find an XML file that describes a few options (which I guess, would be generated inside a template config file for samba). I also installed optware with an ftp server, but that just doesn't cut it at the moment. This is how I came on the idea to just throw the stock stuff away and create something that I know I can fully manage.

Cardreader will not be used, as well as USB 3.0. AFAIK USB 2.0 will work, right? Have you by chance also tested the rear two USB ports when you were still looking into this unit? I have a LabelWriter connected to one of those (which is made available to the entire home network, which again I think is Samba responsible for). Scripting for the LED's, does that need to be done in Bash, Python or...? I'm currently a student following a degree for Software Engineering (and before that I was programming in PHP already some time), so I don't think that programming those should be very difficult, unless I'm missing something here.

Are those transfer speeds really that slow? Any idea why that might be? Using the stock firmware I get around 30MB/s (yes, megabytes per second) with an occasional jump to 45-55 in Windows (using Samba of course). This is on a full duplex 1 Gbit/s connection.

I'll post the smb.conf here anyway (hope that's ok), which I did not create, but is created by the firmware, just in case anybody might know what the problem is I'm experiencing. I might just as well inject a script which puts my custom smb.conf in place (which will then be stored on the HDD) when the unit is rebooted, so I don't have to touch anything else of it (as that is working good enough for me ATM, though). However, if that ain't possible then I'll just start using Debian. Do you, by chance, know which files I need for this, as I'm a bit confused re-reading the thread(s). Do I also need to alter the NAND or wouldn't that be necessary? I also already had the unit open once to fit another fan which would auto adjust to temperature, so finding the RX/TX serial shouldn't be too hard I think. Only thing is to find time for it heheh.

Thanks in advance!

The smb.conf file:
netbios name = NAS
workgroup = HOMEGROUP
server string = OMNINAS Series
encrypt passwords = yes
security = user
deadtime = 10
map to guest = bad password
use mmap = yes
use sendfile = yes
dns proxy = no
use spnego = yes
max log size = 200
log level = 0
local master = yes
domain master = yes                                                  
preferred master = yes                                                  
wins support = yes                                                        
browse list  = yes
dns proxy = no
ldap ssl = no
# Optional QOS settings
# qos enable = yes
# level1 file extensions = avi wmv wma
# level2 file extensions = mpeg mpg
; disable spoolss = Yes
; guest account = nobody
unix charset=UTF-8
dos charset=UTF-8
display charset=UTF-8
peek command type = yes
load printers = yes
# Modified for LPRng supporting
#show add printer wizard = Yes
#printing = cups
#printcap name = cups
printing = lprng
printcap name = /etc/printcap

comment = Default_share
path = /share/atonnas/disk
create mask = 0666
directory mask = 0777
force directory mode = 0777
directory security mask = 0777
force directory security mode = 0777
writeable = yes
printable = no
public = yes
preallocate = yes
direct writes=2

comment = Default_iTunes_share
path = /share/atonnas/disk/iTunes
create mask = 0666
directory mask = 0777
force directory mode = 0777
directory security mask = 0777
force directory security mode = 0777
writeable = yes
printable = no
public = yes
preallocate = yes
direct writes=2

comment = 
path = /share/atonnas/Videos
create mask = 0666
directory mask = 0777
force directory mode = 0777
directory security mask = 0777
force directory security mode = 0777
writeable = yes
printable = no
public = yes
preallocate = yes
direct writes=2

comment = Aton NAS Printer Server
browseable = no
use client driver = yes
path = /var/spool/samba
printable = Yes
public = no
writable = no
create mode = 0777
print command = /usr/hddapp/bin/lpr -P%p -r %s
lpq command = /usr/hddapp/bin/lpq -P%p
lprm command = /usr/hddapp/bin/lprm -P%p %j
lppause command = /usr/hddapp/bin/lpc hold %p %j
lpresume command = /usr/hddapp/bin/lpc release %p %j
queuepause command = /usr/hddapp/bin/lpc -P%p stop
queueresume command = /usr/hddapp/bin/lpc -P%p start

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

So, I mean as well about 30 Mb/sec, so a bit below stock.
Rear USB's are working very fine, Sata working fine (~80mb/s).
You can trigger the LED's in /sys/class/led/... so the language I think dosen't matter.

For Installing Debian:
You need to change the uBoot env., as I remember you can boot everything from SATA / FAT partition, or you flash kernel and Initrd to the nand. Backup is quite Easy.

You need:
Files: Kernel + Initrd, rootfs
UART access
Time and Beer's :-)


Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

Hi again,

Thanks for those pointers, they'll prove to be very valuable if I get stuck in the smb.conf issue :)

Have you also tried to change the root password on the box with stock firmware? Does it any harm? Just wanted to ask that, before I might brick the stock software.

Thanks again!


Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

drMacFaulty Wrote:

> Have you also tried to change the root password on
> the box with stock firmware? Does it any harm?
> Just wanted to ask that, before I might brick the
> stock software.
> Thanks again!
> Cheers,

No :-)

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

Hm,.. Okay, then software is not the problem here, or at least not the software on KD20.

Can you somehow check if your UART/Serial equipment is working properly?

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

UART converter/serial is working properly on other device - Zyxel NSA310

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

I think you checked the connectors on the KD20 board, as well :-) But some how I'm out of idea for now where the problem with console can be.


Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

Ok, it was problem with connectivity between pins and mainboard...

How to repair console permanently?

Can you share me files for booting debian from disk?

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

Jacq Wrote:
> Can you share me files for booting debian from
> disk?

Sry, at the moment a full sata boot did'nt work. As Uboot did not find the activate Sata ports

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

How to repair console permanently?

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

Jacq Wrote:
> Ok, it was problem with connectivity between pins
> and mainboard...

You should know, how to fix the contacts :-)

Try to boot from nand and see if this still works, else you can boot with my sata boot und restore your nand uboot

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

When i remove prepared disk from the omninas uboot isn't loading(from nand)....

Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

Okay, then
1. boot form sata to Uboot
2. load your uboot-backup via tftp
tftp 64000000 uboot.backup # <- your backup file former mtd2

3. write it back to nand:
nand erase 40000 200000
nand write 64000000 40000 200000

Same for stage1:
tftp 64000000 stage1.backup
nand erase 0 40000
nand write 64000000 0 40000

Powerdown the nas & remove the disk

If you did not backuped your uboot or stage1 here you can get them


Re: Debian on Shuttle KD20 (PLX OXNAS 7821)

After download this two files and remove the disk:

     _           _   _   _
    | |         | | | | | |
 ___| |__  _   _| |_| |_| | ___
/ __| '_ \| | | | __| __| |/ _ \
\__ \ | | | |_| | |_| |_| |  __/
|___/_| |_|\__,_|\__|\__|_|\___|
          _   _     ____              _
         | | | |   | __ )  ___   ___ | |_
         | | | |___|  _ \ / _ \ / _ \| __|
         | |_| |___| |_) | (_) | (_) | |_
          \___/    |____/ \___/ \___/ \__|

U-Boot 1.1.2 (Jan 24 2015 - 13:54:11)

U-Boot code: 60D00000 -> 60D25978  BSS: -> 60D3A680
IRQ Stack: 60cddf7c
FIQ Stack: 60cdcf7c
RAM Configuration:
        Bank #0: 60000000 256 MB
SRAM Configuration:
        64KB at 0x50000000
NAND:128 MiB
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

In:    serial
Out:   serial
Err:   serial
Setting Linux mem= boot arg value
Hit any key to stop autoboot:   0

IDE device 0: not available

Reset IDE: Detecting SATA busses:
Bus 0: No devices found
disk is not present!

Reset IDE: Detecting SATA busses:
Bus 0: No devices found
disk is not present!

Reset IDE: Detecting SATA busses:
Bus 0: No devices found
disk is not present!

Reset IDE: Detecting SATA busses:
Bus 0: No devices found
disk is not present!

Reset IDE: Detecting SATA busses:
Bus 0: No devices found
disk is not present!

Reset IDE: Detecting SATA busses:
Bus 0: đNo devices found
disk is not present!

Reset IDE: Detecting SATA busses:
Bus 0: No devices found
disk is not present!

Reset IDE: Detecting SATA busses:
Bus 0: ŕNo devices found
disk is not present!

Reset IDE: Detecting SATA busses:
Bus 0: No devices found
disk is not present!
Wait GMAC to reset
Wait for PHY reset
PHY is IC+ IP1001LF
Wait for link to come up.........Stage-1 Bootloader 2012-06.13-13:06:32
Attempting to set PLLA to 750MHz ...
  plla_ctrl0 : 0x0000000A
  plla_ctrl1 : 0x000F0000
  plla_ctrl2 : 0x001D01A0
  plla_ctrl3 : 0x00000017

Setup memory, testing, Image 0
Failed to correct error
Failed to correct error
  Hdr len: 0xA1A2A3A4
  Hdr CRC: 0xB1B2B3B4
 read failed, Image 1
Failed to correct error
Failed to correct error
  Hdr len: 0xA1A2A3A4
  Hdr CRC: 0xB1B2B3B4
 read failed, Image 0
Failed to correct error
Failed to correct error
  Hdr len: 0xA1A2A3A4

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