If you "hacked" into your device you can just backup the nand with dd, if not you can do this from debian or from just ask me for my nand backup :-)
Befor you start:
+Connect to the UART and see if you can access vedors uboot
+Make bootdisk (sata or usb) a rootfs partition (ext2 o. ext3) and extract my wheezy_rootfs or bodhi's oxnas rootfs (both will work)
+ Prepare a TFTP server with uImage (Kernel), Initrd_w, and rootfs
+ Make familiar with uboot commands
Process to debian:
1 Boot into vendors Uboot and interrupt the boot via UART
(1.5 Backup the bootargs (simply printenv -> copy&past to file) or it's backup within the nand)
2. Change the bootargs:
[code="setenv bootargs root=/dev/sdb1 console=ttyS0,115200 mem=256M poweroutage=yes"]
To make this permanet:
Here your rootfs is sdb1, a better why here would be use labels or uuid but I had sometimes problems with that. But the sdx are not given strait forward, so just have a try.
It makes no difference if it is usb or sata here.
3. Load your uImage and Initrd, maybe you can load these files form sata(ext2) via ext2load but I never tried.
Here for tftp:
If your tftp ip is given by dhcp, you can skip 3.1
3.1 Set up IP's:
3.2 Load files:
4. Boot it:
Now you Debian should boot up.
If it you get a Kernel Panic and it cant find rootfs, go back to step 2 and change rootfs location
For now you have not touched the nand (besides the bootargs)
I you like to write the kernel & initrd to nand you ca do this via:
If more questions rise feel free to ask, but ask google as well :-)
Just try few things out, even If you erased the nand complet you can bring things back via sataboot
Befor you start:
+Connect to the UART and see if you can access vedors uboot
+Make bootdisk (sata or usb) a rootfs partition (ext2 o. ext3) and extract my wheezy_rootfs or bodhi's oxnas rootfs (both will work)
+ Prepare a TFTP server with uImage (Kernel), Initrd_w, and rootfs
+ Make familiar with uboot commands
Process to debian:
1 Boot into vendors Uboot and interrupt the boot via UART
(1.5 Backup the bootargs (simply printenv -> copy&past to file) or it's backup within the nand)
2. Change the bootargs:
[code="setenv bootargs root=/dev/sdb1 console=ttyS0,115200 mem=256M poweroutage=yes"]
To make this permanet:
Here your rootfs is sdb1, a better why here would be use labels or uuid but I had sometimes problems with that. But the sdx are not given strait forward, so just have a try.
It makes no difference if it is usb or sata here.
3. Load your uImage and Initrd, maybe you can load these files form sata(ext2) via ext2load but I never tried.
Here for tftp:
If your tftp ip is given by dhcp, you can skip 3.1
3.1 Set up IP's:
setenv ipaddr *IP of KD20* ;setenv gatewayip *router ip*;setenv serverip *tftp-server ip*;setenv ethaddr 00:25:b1:ff:ff:00
3.2 Load files:
tftp 64000000 uImage3.18.1_7; tftp 60500000 uInitrd_w;
4. Boot it:
bootm 60500000 64000000
Now you Debian should boot up.
If it you get a Kernel Panic and it cant find rootfs, go back to step 2 and change rootfs location
For now you have not touched the nand (besides the bootargs)
I you like to write the kernel & initrd to nand you ca do this via:
Initrd tftp 64000000 uInitrd_w nand erase 240000 600000 nand write 64000000 240000 600000 kernel tftp 64000000 uImage3.18.1_7 nand erase 840000 7C0000 nand write 6400000 840000 7C0000
If more questions rise feel free to ask, but ask google as well :-)
Just try few things out, even If you erased the nand complet you can bring things back via sataboot